Best Practices
Lighting System
Natural Lighting
Installing LED lights in the factory area, adopting natural lighting in the workshop and controlling light zones at night, reducing carbon emissions by more than 20 tonnes annually.
Ningbo Helong New Material Co., Ltd.Wood Plastic Composite Manufacturing Industry
Solar street LED
Replaced high pressure sodium lamps with the solar street LED lights equipped with an automatic switch on/off system.
Zhejiang Shenghui Lighting Co., Ltd.Electrical Appliances and Houseware Industry
Mirror reflector
Adopting mirror reflectors in their production lines, effectively reflecting 99 percent of incident light sources. With reflectors, 95 percent of light rays are emitted uniformly in all directions, meaning that a single fluorescent light tube with a reflector can be as bright as two normal tubes, cutting energy consumption by more than 50 percent.
Super Performance Textile (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Wearing Apparel Manufacturing Industry
Occupancy sensors and LED lamps
Improve the energy efficiency of the lighting system
Guangdong Atlan Electronic Appliance Manufacture Co., Ltd.Electrical Appliances and Houseware Industry
Transparent ceiling
Allow natural light enter the workshops directly and hence reduce electricity consumption
Guangdong Atlan Electronic Appliance Manufacture Co., Ltd.Electrical Appliances and Houseware Industry
LED lamps
Replacing traditional lighting with more than 5,000 LED lamps, reducing annual standard coal consumption by 350 tonnes.
Dongguan Shatin Lake Side Textiles Printing & Dyeing Co., Ltd.Textile Industry
High bay LED lights
Replacing 4,500 T8 LED tube lights with 529 high bay LED lights. One high bay LED light takes the place of eight T8 LED tube lights, saving 57,968 kWh of energy and reducing carbon emissions by 34 tonnes annually.
Crystal Martin Apparel Bangladesh Ltd.Wearing Apparel Manufacturing Industry