Thank you for showing you care about sustainable seafood!


CR Vanguard has been in discussions with us about phasing out the sale of the threatened golden threadfin bream and aims to start  promoting sustainable seafood by the first quarter of 2019! The company joins six other Hong Kong supermarket groups in taking steps toward offering sustainable seafood for local consumers. Your valuable support in our sustainable seafood work has helped make this all happen.

But the campaign doesn’t end here. We need to continue monitoring other supermarkets’ commitments and actions, particularly A.S. Watson Group and Moretide Investments, which operates Kai Bo Food Supermarket. They have yet to indicate any moves toward a sustainable seafood procurement policy. The more people voicing our concern about the seafood we eat, the higher the chances are in getting these companies to act!

Our choice of seafood directly impacts the sustainability of our oceans. Since the 1950s,global demand for seafood has surged by 88 per cent. Annual per capita consumption of seafood in Hong Kong is 65.5 kilograms and the city is the second-highest seafood consumer in Asia. If you value the sustainability of our oceans, sign our petition to ask local supermarkets to do more.

We deserve to be able to trust that seafood we purchase is from sustainable sources. Hong Kong is sorely lagging behind in sustainable seafood, resulting in the depletion of our marine resources and potentially putting our health at risk!


Together Possible