Join our ESD Network

In order to facilitate our communication and have a better linkage with school teachers and multipliers, we have formed an “Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Network” for all teachers and multipliers since 2001. If you wish to get the latest news about our education programmes and other educational materials, please fill in the following information.
First Name (*)
Last Name (*)
Title *: Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss
School Name :
Tel No : (mobile) (Office)
Email Address (*)
Major subject(s) taught:
Are you a subject panel in school? Yes(Please specify subject):
Please choose the conservation programme(s) you are interested in: (You may choose more than one) Freshwater and wetlands Marine FootprintClimateSpecies at risk
Please choose the teaching support you are interested in: (You may choose more than one) Information packs/teaching kitsTeacher trainingStudent training

* Compulsory fields

Personal Information Collection Statement (PICS)

WWF-Hong Kong undertakes to comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to ensure that personal data kept are accurate and secure. Your personal information (including your name, email addresses, telephone number, etc.) may be used by WWF-Hong Kong and the appointed service providers, for the purposes of sending you organizational updates, surveys, fundraising appeals, event invitations and other marketing communications via electronic mail, telephone, SMS, online, etc. You have the right to access and amend your personal information held by us. For the full version of our Privacy Policy, please visit our website at

You may opt out of receiving communications from us at any time free of charge, and if you wish to request access to or amend any of your personal information, you can simply call our service hotline at 2526 1011 or send an email to or write to WWF-Hong Kong at 15/F, Manhattan Centre, 8 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, NT.


Except our education programmes and other educational materials, if you DO NOT wish to receive any communications from us, please tick the box in front.